Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 25th - 1 week and 1 day to go

Can't wait to see all of you!  We are going to Grade 1 together!!  I have so many surprises planned for you!  I can't wait to see all of your faces when you see our room!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

found you

I visited our new classroom yesterday - they haven't taken the rug out yet so, I cannot get in to get it ready for us yet!  I'll keep you posted!

Hope everyone is having fun and staying cool!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

So Excited to See All of YOU!!

I am so excited to see all of you in Grade 1!!

Get ready to start our 'Home Reading Program' on the 1st day of school!  Our Goal:  to have 100% of us (20/20) read 100 levelled books by mid December!

Words we will be reviewing the  first week of school:
colour words - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, white, pink and black.

Math - Numeracy:  counting by 1's to 50; by 5's to 100 and by 10's to 100
    Goal:  to count by 2's to 30

          Data Management:  Gathering information and displaying it in a visual format
    (e.g., How many friends are in our class?  How many are boys/girls?  How many are from the green class/ red class?)

What are math manipulatives and which ones do we have in our classroom?  When do we use them and what do we do with them???  This will be one of our first big books coming to your home for a brief visit!!  Look for it and enjoy it with your child for a night - please return it along with a comment about what you thought about it!!